Mobvoi is a tech brand creating innovative products – but like all its competitors has to rise above the noise to challenge the dominant, established, players in this space.
For the launch of their latest smartwatch, we held the first-ever tech launch to BAN mobile phones in a bid to raise awareness of the watch’s functionality, driving reams of coverage and online conversation.
With a new product launch happening daily in the tech world, we knew we had to do something to cut through the noise for the launch of Mobvoi’s latest smartwatch.
In a first of its kind, the watch’s discrete notifications meant it was no longer necessary to have your head in your phone – so we tapped in to this USP and our event concept was born; Look Up London was the UK’s first ever technology launch that BANNED mobile phones – encouraging the audience to look up and enjoy the moment.
Weaning ’Digital Deadwalkers’ off their devices, our event resulted in a four-month website traffic high, a 400% increase in new site users, over 100 SEO links…and a fantastic gig where we managed to keep people off their phones!