To help the nation fall back in love with the bus, we needed to show First Bus’ business transformation in a way that resonated – focusing on people, not a rebrand. ‘Moving the everyday’ celebrated the real connections made every day on buses, with national treasure, Josie Gibson, helping to tell the story in an authentic and meaningful way
We told the brand’s story in a real and relatable way. Our campaign showed buses are more than just transport—they’re community hubs where friendships form. We found real-life community heroes – both First Bus staff and everyday passengers – and shone a spotlight on their stories to show how First Bus supports the communities it serves
400 pieces of coverage
7 national media interviews (Daily Express, Mail Online, BBC Radio & more)
100K+ organic video views, 72K story views
7 regional releases, strong traction in Scotland & South West
Hero videos amplified across First Bus’ regional socials